Seven Common Mistakes Everyone Makes With Talent Acquisition Strategy

Many companies recognize the need to improve talent acquisition strategy in today’s changing job market. Outdated methods no longer work to attract top talent, and HR executives and hiring managers need to re-examine their methods to discover if any of these seven common recruiting mistakes are preventing them from connecting with the types of candidates they desire.

Not Creating a Modern Strategy for Talent Acquisition

In a world where videos, social media and artificial intelligence are all transforming the way companies communicate with their audiences, putting a job announcement in the newspaper and hoping the right candidates will respond is no longer a viable option. Companies failing to embrace new platforms are likely to wind up stuck in fruitless searches for talent.

Reaching out on platforms like LinkedIn where candidates are already active creates more engagement and gives companies a way to weed out unqualified candidates before beginning the interview process. Recruitment videos, such as those made by Digi-Me, are also powerful tools for making connections with talented prospects. As in marketing, relationships are key in establishing a strong team for any business.

Neglecting Talent Acquisition Improvement

Some companies miss out on the best candidates because their hiring teams don’t know how to discern between dedicated workers and applicants simply looking for a way to bring in a paycheck. Before starting the acquisition process, hiring managers should determine if:

  • -Team members know desired candidate characteristics
  • -Both the acquisition and interview processes are clearly laid out
  • -A strong assessment of the job market has been made
  • -The requirements of the position are clear

To bring the hiring committee up to speed, it may be necessary to go over the company’s updated talent acquisition strategy and clarify new approaches. Getting everyone on the same page ensures qualified candidates aren’t overlooked and potential hires have the skills necessary to benefit the company.

Using the Wrong Branding

Branding is just as important when reaching out to prospective employees as when marketing to customers. Companies spend countless hours and a great deal of money trying to build brand images consumers will come to know and love but don’t often think of “selling” the company to applicants.

However, talented candidates want to work for companies with their best interests in mind. They’re turned off by messages centered solely on the company, preferring to see an outward focus demonstrating a commitment to employee excellence. Creating this brand image requires market research to see what talented applicants want from companies. Responding to the needs and desires of modern job seekers with brand messages reflecting a caring company invested in its employees creates an image with the power to draw the best candidates.

Not Providing Talent Improvement Opportunities

Following through on the promise of a brand requires strong onboarding and training programs. Many businesses are starting to use cloud-based platforms to provide on-the-job training for positions before new hires arrive in the office. These same software programs track employee performance, identify areas of strength and weakness and provide appropriate training modules in response to individual needs. Millennial job seekers appreciate this commitment to employee excellence and are drawn to companies with plans in place to help their staff members achieve professional goals.

Asking the Same Interview Questions

It’s difficult to differentiate between applicants when interviews never deviate from a list of generic questions. Including a few off-the-wall or unusual inquiries requires applicants to think on their feet and get creative with answers. They can’t “hack” the interview by preparing for the same basic process they’ve encountered at other companies.

Hiring managers must brainstorm questions designed to reveal how candidates will think, act and respond in real job situations. By focusing on behaviors and highlighting critical thinking skills, unique interview questions make it possible to pinpoint which candidates will fit best within the framework of the company.

Failing to Check Candidates’ References

Even if a potential hire has all the talent a company is looking for and seems like a great fit, no hiring decisions should be made until references are contacted. With a little practice, anyone can look good on paper and learn to ace an interview. However, talking to people who have worked with candidates in the past is the only way to know for sure how well they’ll do if they’re chosen for a position.

Reaching out to former employers takes time, but it can save companies a great deal of trouble in the long run. It’s important to find out everything possible about applicants, both good and bad, and weigh the potential drawbacks against the positive impact they could have on the business. If a candidate possesses exceptional talent but has consistent trouble in other areas, it may be wise to rethink bringing him or her on board.

Waiting too Long to Acquire Top Talent

Talent is at a premium, and companies are fighting to be the first to acquire the best candidates. Forty-seven percent of job seekers around the world want to receive some kind of follow-up communication from the companies with which they interview, a statistic highlighting the importance of relationships in the modern job market. Whether it’s a quick note promising a more in-depth message at a later date or a Digi-Me video detailing what can be expected from the company’s culture, some kind of connection must be made to ensure talent stays focused on and engaged with the company over the course of the hiring process instead of moving on to another potential employer.

Avoiding common recruitment mistakes to improve talent acquisition strategy and target the best candidates for each job benefits a company’s overall performance and reduces the attrition rate among employees. With a thorough understanding of what each position requires and how to reach out to top talent, companies can support business growth, get more out of internal resources and create a culture in which all staff members have the support they need to thrive.

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